Streatham terrorist Sudesh Amman's final moments before attack

Streatham terrorist Sudesh Amman's final moments before attack

June 0 664 2023.03.25 22:07
Shocking CCTV has emerged showing Streatham terror attacker Sudesh Amman moments before he stabbed two people and was then shot dead by police.
ITV News has obtained video which shows Amman, 20, wearing a hat and coat and carrying a white bag walking down Streatham High Street on Sunday.
Other pedestrians can be seen walking several metres in front or behind him, oblivious to the attack that was about to happen.
Soon after the footage was captured, Amman - who had recently been released from prison - stabbed two people and was shot dead by counter-terror police. 
CCTV shows Amman, 20, (pictured) wearing a hat and coat and carrying a white bag walking down Streatham High Street on Sunday
Soon after the footage (pictured) was captured, Amman had stabbed two people and was shot dead by counter-terror police
A police officer kneels down and looks at what appeared to be a suicide vest on Streatham terrorist Sudesh Amman's body during the dramatic incident on Sunday afternoon
Amman was shot dead after grabbing the knife from a shop and attacking two bystanders in Streatham High Road, south London. A third person was injured by flying glass during the gunfire.
He had been jailed for possessing and distributing terrorist documents in December 2018, but was freed automatically halfway through his sentence less than a fortnight ago.
He had been under surveillance for 40 minutes before the attack but was dead within 60 seconds of the first stabbing.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick today moved to defend tailing officers and said operations are not 'man-to-man marking'.
The video was revealed as a photograph emerged showing the moment a police officer risked his life to kneel down and look at what appeared to be a suicide vest on Amman's body.

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The Scotland Yard detective would have been unsure whether the vest being worn by Amman on Sunday afternoon was a fake or could explode.
The new photographs show Amman having already been shot by armed police in South London after stealing a knife from a shop and stabbing two people.
The vest was later established to be fake - part of a growing trend seeing terrorists using a method dubbed 'suicide by cop' as they try to achieve supposed martyrdom.
Sudesh Amman was shot dead by armed police on Streatham High Road on Sunday
Armed police shot dead terrorist Sudesh Amman, who was wearing a fake suicide vest, after he grabbed a knife from a shop and a female nursery teacher and another man
It comes as the Government faces a race against time to pass emergency legislation following the attack, as police chiefs warned the threat of terrorism was 'not diminishing.'
A target of February 27 has been set to rush the Bill through Parliament in order to prevent the automatic release of any further terrorists.
A Whitehall official said: 'If the legislation is passed by February 27 we can prevent the automatic release of any further terrorist suspects who might pose a threat to the public.'
It is understood that one offender is due for release on February 28, with around five expected to be let out in March unless the new law is in force.
Meanwhile, Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner Neil Basu, head of UK counter-terror policing, said the 'threat is, despite our best efforts, not diminishing', after a third attack in as many months.
The UK's terror threat level is currently set at 'substantial', meaning an attack is likely.

It was downgraded from 'severe', the second highest rating, in November, shortly before the London Bridge attack.
Convicted terrorist Sudesh Amman wore a fake suicide belt as he grabbed a knife from a shop before stabbing two bystanders. 
He was put under 24-hour police surveillance on his release after it is understood security services regarded him as an 'extremely concerning individual'.
One of his victims has been named in reports as teacher Monika Luftner. 
Met Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu (pictured) said the sheer scale of the challenge meant that officers needed the public's help to stop future terror attacks
Police investigate at the scene on Monday following the terror attack in Streatham on Sunday
In a statement, St Bede's Catholic Infant & Nursery School in Lambeth said a member of staff was making a 'good recovery after experiencing a shocking attack'. 
Mr Basu said: 'Police and the security services knew the attacker posed a significant risk and we were, unfortunately, proved right in our decision to place him under surveillance.
'But with 3,000 or so subjects of interest currently on our radar, and many convicted terrorists soon due to be released from prison, we simply cannot watch all of them, all the time.'   
He welcomed plans announced on Monday by Justice Secretary Robert Buckland, who said the urgent legislation was needed to make sure offenders serve two thirds of their sentence before they are considered eligible for release, at which point their case would be considered by a panel of specialist judges and psychiatrists at the Parole Board.
Meanwhile Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick defended her officers' response after paramedics were delayed from getting to the scene for their own safety.
The first London Ambulance Service medic arrived within four minutes, but they were held at a 'rendezvous point' until police confirmed it was safe to approach.
Miss Dick added that Amman managed to stab two people while under surveillance because the operations are not 'man-to-man marking'.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick told the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee today (pictured) that paramedics could get specialist training for terror scenes
Streatham terrorist Sudesh Amman is pictured as a young boy while holding a vacuum cleaner in his living room
She told the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee that a time delay in responding would be 'inevitable' if someone did something 'totally unexpectedly'.
Amman, from Harrow, North West London, was put under 24-hour police surveillance on his release, and sources have said he was an 'extremely concerning individual'.
Dame Cressida gave evidence to the assembly today about general tactics used by counter-terror police.
She said: 'They are conducting covert surveillance, so they are not of course providing man-to-man marking.
'They are there covertly and that is a deliberate thing.

It is inevitable that there could be a time delay before somebody totally unexpectedly does something.'
Up to 20 officers would have been involved in watching Amman.
Dame Cressida added: 'I wish I could assure the public that everybody who poses a risk on the streets could be subject to some sort of thing that would stop them being able to stab anybody ever, but it is clearly not possible.'
A team of 75 officers is working to gather evidence for the coroner about Amman's rampage.
Watchdog the Independent Office for Police Conduct is also investigating how he came to be fatally shot, as is standard when any police operation ends in a death. 
There are 224 terrorists in prison in Britain, with most thought to be holding Islamist extremist views, according to the latest published figures to the end of September.
As many as 50 terrorists could be freed from jail this year, figures suggest.
Mrs Luftner (pictured left with a colleague) was stabbed as she cycled home from coffee with her friends and reportedly yelled 'He's stabbed me!' outside Cash Converters
The popular primary school teacher riding her bike (left) which was pictured at the scene of the terror attack on Sunday evening 
A Whitehall official said the attack in Streatham highlighted an issue surrounding terrorists with relatively short prison sentences.
'There aren't many terrorist offenders who will be in that similar kind of scenario but if there are any then that's too many and that's what we are looking to fix,' the official said.
The Government plans to introduce the legislation in the Commons on Tuesday next week, with the aim of clearing the House by the time it rises for recess on Thursday.
The Bill will then go to the Lords on February 25 with the aim of getting royal assent on February 27.
'There are no terrorist offenders who are due to receive automatic release before that date,' the official said.
The source said the Lords, where the Government does not have a majority, should 'wish to carry out its scrutiny quickly' as 'we cannot continue to be in a position where the state has no power to block the release of terrorists who continue to pose a threat to the public'.
According to the right-leaning think tank the Henry Jackson Society, a number of convicted extremists may be due for release in March.
They include Mohammed Ghani, from Barnet, north London, who was sentenced to two years and four months in prison May last year after threatening to kill police officers.
There is also radicalised chemistry teacher Jamshed Javeed, who was jailed for six years in March 2015 for planning to travel from his Manchester home to Syria to join the so-called Islamic State (IS); and Mohammed Khilji, from north-west London who posted beheading videos on WhatsApp.
Another listed by the think tank is Sunderland shopkeeper Mohammed Zahir Khan, who posted messages and material that was supportive of IS on social media.
According to the Times, Britain's youngest terrorist, a boy known only as RXG who plotted to murder police officers in Australia, is due for release this month.
He received a life sentence with a minimum term of five years in 2015.
The newspaper also reported that Atiq Ahmed, from Oldham, who was arrested after hurling abuse at staff at a school in the town and later found to have IS propaganda on his phone, is due to be released in March.
The Government has not ruled out derogating, effectively suspending, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in order to apply the new measures.
Lawyers have warned the move would open the Government up to legal challenges from those already behind bars who were sentenced under the current rules.
But officials said they are confident they have the flexibility to change how an offender serves their sentence, by extending the time they spend behind bars rather than on licence.
  The wave of 18 terrorists counting down the days to their automatic early release as Boris Johnson races to pass law keeping them off YOUR streets
These are the faces of 18 extremists who are set to be back on Britain's streets as soon as this month under existing laws which allow them to be released midway through their prison sentences.
Yesterday, Boris Johnson vowed to overhaul this current system and stop 220 terrorists from being freed early.
Terrorists are currently freed after serving half or two-thirds of a sentence, depending on when they were jailed and the type of punishment imposed.
Some may have had to serve longer if their behaviour behind bars was disruptive.
The Prison Service refuses to discuss individuals, but the Daily Mail and MailOnline below names convicted terrorists eligible for release this year - as the rules currently stand.

However, they could be affected by the Prime Minister's plan to extend sentences. 
Out by November - Mohammed Ahmed and Yusuf Sarwar: 'Fundamentalist pair' who were 'intent on jihad' were jailed for 13 years after leaving Britain to join al-Qaida-linked terror group 
Mohammed Ahmed (left) and Yusuf Sarwar (right) were jailed 15 years and three months in 2015 for preparation of terrorist acts.

Their earliest release date is November
Yusuf Sarwar and Mohammed Nahin Ahmed were jailed in 2014 for going to Syria to join rebel fighters.
The pair, from Birmingham, were sentenced for engaging in conducts in preparation of terrorist acts.
At the time of sentencing, the judge imposed an extended licence period of five years.

They could be back on the streets in November.
Judge Michael Topolski described the two men as 'deeply committed to violent extremism'.
He said they had 'willingly, enthusiastically and with a great deal of purpose, persistence and determination embarked on a course intended to commit acts of terrorism'.
West Midlands Police said they were first alerted to the case when Sarwar's parents reported him missing last year.
The two friends travelled to Syria in May 2013, where they are believed to have spent eight months with the al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group affiliated with al-Qaeda.
November - Moinuk Abedin: Britain's first al-Qaeda inspired terrorist was jailed for 20 years in February 2002  
Moinul Abedin was jailed 20 years in 2002 for intent to cause an explosion. Earliest release date: November 
Moinul Abedin was arrested in November 2000, after police discovered  bomb-making material at a rented property in Birmingham.

His earliest release date is November.
Abedin, 27 at the time of his trial, lived in a terraced house in Sparkbrook, Birmingham with his young family, but rented a house nearby.
Detectives found nearly 100kg of chemicals used to manufacture the explosive HMTD.
He claimed that he and a co-defendant, who was acquitted, were setting up a fireworks business. 
At the time of his sentence, current terror laws did not exist and he was prosecuted under the 1883 Explosives Act. 
The terms of the 1883 legislation meant the evidence which was heard in the trial concentrated on the explosives and not Abedin's connections or any potential plot. 
It was not until 2007, five years after his conviction and nearly seven after his arrest, the security services acknowledged his significance. 
Now Abedin's name appears on the MI5's list of terrorists convicted this century.
May - Aras Hamid was jailed eight years in 2016 for preparing acts of terrorism
Aras Mohammed Hamid, then aged 27, was jailed for seven years for preparing acts of terrorism after he tried to join Islamic State fighters in Iraq.
He was jailed along with friend  Shivan Hayder Azeez Zangana, 21, who was sentenced to three years in prison. 
Azeez of Sheffield, was sent to the UK by his family to keep him safe after battling extremists with the Kurdish Peshmerga separatist group.
He was turned by fellow Kurd, asylum-seeker Hamid, and agreed to change sides and go with him to fight for so-called Islamic State. 
The pair were discovered by police sleeping at a Birmingham mosque days after Azeez's relatives had called 999 with concerns.  
He had fled his home and bought a plane ticket to Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq.

Hamid was found two days later in a lorry on the A2 trying to flee the UK with a fake passport.
His earliest release date is May.
Aras Hamid (left) was jailed for eight years in 2016 for preparing acts of terrorism.

His earliest release is May. Patrick Kabele jailed six years for preparation of terrorist acts. Earliest release: February. Attempted to travel to Syria to join Islamic State
This month - Muslim convert Patrick Kabele who tried to join ISIS was jailed for six years 
Muslim convert Patrick Kabele, 32, who tried to join ISIS was jailed for six years after police discovered a diary in which he said he wanted to buy a nine-year-old slave girl,
The scaffolder from Willesden, North London, was found guilty at Woolwich Crown Court and jailed for six years with an extended licence of four years in May 2017.
The jury was not aware that Kabele had expressed violent sentiments towards women, writing in one entry about 'seeding some women over here, UK white.'
In another entry, he wrote: 'My plan remains the same.

It's only my [attitude] towards women and children, ie not giving a f***.
'I am talking seeding women. Chinese, Indian, whatever. In Uganda, multiple wives and s*** on the side.'
In the diary, which was found on his phone as he tried to leave the country, Kabele said he had a 'death wish' and wanted to die young. 
Kabele was found guilty of preparing acts of terrorism by trying to get to Syria.

He could be released this month.
March - Jamshed Javeed was jailed six years in 2015 for preparing acts of terrorism
Jamshed Javeed was jailed for six years in 2015 for preparing to fight with ISIS in Syria.

His earliest release date is March 
Radicalised chemistry teacher Jamshed Javeed was jailed for six years in 2015 for preparing to fight with ISIS in Syria. 
Police said the 30-year-old was 'determined' to leave his job and 'fight jihadi' but his family, including his pregnant wife, grabbed his 'go bag' of money, supplies and his passport. 
He had intended to travel with a man he had met only three months beforehand but could not travel without his documents.
When he applied for a new passport and received it last December anti-terror police swooped and arrested him.
Javeed taught 11 to 16-year-old pupils at Sharples High School in Bolton, Greater Manchester.
His brother Mohammad Azzam, 19, is missing and presumed dead in Syria after travelling there last September.
Javeed also admitted to transferring £1,400 into his brother's account to pay for his and a friend's flights to the warzone shortly before his own arrest. 
The other man was Anil Khalil Raoufi, 20, from Didsbury, who died in the fighting in 2015. 
His earliest release date is March. 
November - Imam's son who claimed he travelled to Syrian border because he was 'stressed over his A-levels'
Zakariya Ashiq (left) was jailed for six years in 2015 for preparing for terrorism.

His earliest release is November
Zakariya Ashiq was jailed for six years after dropping out of his A-level studies and travelling to Turkey with his imam father to join ISIS. 
Ashiq made recordings on WhatsApp telling friends 'there is no life without Jihad' and 'the second I get a chance I am doing martydom'. 
When he was caught, the 20-year-old told police he was 'studying A-levels exams and becoming stressed' and said he had planned to go to Egypt but his father had persuaded him to go to Turkey instead. 
Ashiq described how his mother travelled out to Turkey and tricked him into meeting her before taking his passport and escorting him home. 
On his return Ashiq began working in a tyre warehouse and engaged in conversations on the website known as ChatRoulette which pairs random people around the world for conversations over webcameras.
In the conversations Ashiq told one person he met, speaking in Arabic: 'Thanks Allah, the Islamic State is lived by Muslims.

They kill the infidels and the apostates.'
He encouraged another person to join the Islamic State, telling them: 'It's easy to join dawla [the State]…they will pay u good wage…find u a wife…respond to the calling brother…immigrate to the State of Islam.'
On July 11, Ashiq made a second attempt to travel abroad, this time telling police who stopped him at Birmingham Airport that he was heading for Kavos in Corfu because he didn't want to take part in Ramadan and his parents were strict and he had begun to 'rebel against them.'
He was then charged with preparing acts of terrorism and jailed for six years in 2015.

His earliest release date is November. 
March - Teenager jailed for five years for sharing beheading videos on WhatsApp 
Mohammed Khilji (left) jailed five years for encouraging terrorism.

Earliest release: March
Mohammed Khilji was jailed for five years in June 2018 for sharing graphic beheading videos on WhatsApp. 
The 19-year-old first came to the attention of police after he posted a video on YouTube in which he had digitally altered footage of a wargame video to make it appear that the featured soldiers were Daesh fighters.
Khilji had superimposed black Daesh flags on the 'Battlefield' video and overlaid it with a terrorist battle song and a quote from a Daesh propaganda magazine.
Detectives searched his home on 4 July, recovering his mobile phone and a computer. 
Experts examined the devices and found he had been sharing graphic videos of Daesh beheading soldiers and videos, calling for violence against non-Muslims. 
One of the videos included footage of the 2017 Westminster terror attack, and concluded by offering the viewer advice on preparing a vehicle-borne bomb.
Khilji was eventually found guilty of eight counts of encouraging terrorism. 
His earliest release date will be March. 
March - Extremist who threatened to kill police officers while he was on an official deradicalisation programme 
Meanwhile Mohammed Ghani jailed 28 months in May 2019 for possessing documents containing terrorist information. Earliest release: March
Mohammed Hamza Ghani told officers he found terror magazines 'entertaining and informative' when they were found in his possession. 
Officers search the 28-year-old's home in Barnet after he phoned 999 and the anti-terrorist hotline and claiming he was looking to kill 'people or police'. 
Ghani was already known to officials because  he was undergoing the Channel intervention programme after expressing extremist views.
When officers visited him at home, the terrorist confessed that electronic devices in his bedroom contained electronic copies of terrorist magazines, including Isis and al-Qaeda propaganda.
Commander Clarke Jarrett, head of the Metropolitan Police counterterror command, said: 'The officer seized his devices, including USB sticks and a laptop, and these were later analysed by digital forensic specialists.

They did indeed contain terrorist publications, featuring horrendous articles about how to make different types of bombs, where to carry out terrorist attacks and how to assassinate people.'
When police asked him about the magazines, which included an issue commemorating the 11 September 2011 terror attacks, Ghani said he considered them 'entertaining and informative'.
Ghani was jailed for 28 months in May 2019.

His earliest release date is March.  
September - Fanatic who left terror propaganda inside the shoes of Muslim worshippers while they were praying  
Omar Ashfaq left memory sticks containing terrorist propaganda inside shoes while Muslim worshippers were praying.

His earliest release date is September
Omar Ashfaq left memory sticks containing terrorist propaganda inside shoes while Muslim worshippers were praying. 
One was found by a nine-year-old boy who had gone to the mosque with his father and older brother.
During Ramadan in May and June 2018, the 24-year-old travelled to mosques in Luton, Derby, Loughborough, Coventry and Birmingham to leave extremist and violent material. 
On Friday 1 June, three USB drives containing imagery and words promoting and encouraging terrorism, were found in the shoes of people attending a mosque in Leicestershire.
The following day the same thing happened at two mosques in Bedfordshire, in which four USB drives in total were found.

Five drives were also discovered at a mosque in the West Midlands.
Two days later another three devices were found at a Derbyshire mosque. A further stick was discovered at another mosque in the West Midlands shortly after. 
Worshippers who found the memory sticks informed mosque authorities who were able to identify Ashfaq from CCTV footage and notified the police.
The suspect, formerly from Derby, was arrested and a search of his home and a vehicle uncovered numerous bags of USB sticks as well as notes outlining his plans.
One document labelled 'Target: 1 week' was a map on which a route was drawn, taking in as far north as Leeds, east to Peterborough, south to London and west to Stoke-on-Trent.
He was jailed for four-and-a-half years in May last year.

His earliest release date is September. 
March - 'I'll behead you', extremist told officer after his stash of 'grotesque' execution videos were uncovered  
ISIS supporter Atiq Ahmed threatened to behead a police officer when his stash of 'grotesque' execution videos was uncovered.
The 32-year-old, from Oldham, pleaded guilty to two counts of dissemination of a terrorist publication by posting links to disturbing IS propaganda videos, one of which was viewed on YouTube more than 37,000 times.
Ahead of his sentencing, where he was jailed for two-and-a-half years, the Old Bailey heard how his family had raised concerns in March this year, fearing he was a danger to society, citing his violent behaviour, mental health problems and solvent abuse.
He could also be out next month. 
Mohammed Zahir Khan (left) tweeted his support for ISIS.

Atiq Ahmed was arrested at a primary school after telling a teacher they were an 'infidel' and would 'burn in hell'. They could both be released next month 
Shopkeeper who tweeted his support for ISIS and called for Shia Muslims to be burned alive
Mohammed Zahir Khan, from Sunderland, was jailed for four-and-a-half years in 2018 for expressing his support for ISIS on social media. 
He was found guilty after posts emerged of his called for 'death to Shias', while pro-ISIS videos were also discovered on his computer. 
He could be released next month.  
Terror magazine collector who was caught after police seized his phone while investigating a car crash  
Fahim Adam first came to police attention after he was caught up in a car crash in November 2017, prompting officers to seize his phone. 
After analysing the device, they found he had downloaded several extremists magazines which encouraged people to commit acts of terrorism and provided information about how attacks could be carried out. 
They included two editions of the ISIS propaganda publication 'Rumiyah' which gave Jihadists tips on how to carry out random 'lone wolf' knife strikes. 
The 30-year-old, from Blackburn, was charged with possessing information useful to terrorism and jailed for 30 months in February 2019. 
He is due for release within months. 
Fahim Adam (left) was jailed 30 months in February 2019 for having documents useful for terrorism.

Earliest release: May. Shazib Khan - who tried to travel to Syria - is due to be released this year
Uncle jailed for trying to travel to Syria with his nephew 
Shazib Khan was jailed for eight years in May 2016 for preparing to travel to Syria to join ISIS. 
Mr Justice Edis, sentencing, said he had rejected English law in favour of Sharia, and had sought to fight with the terrorist group. 
He was also handed an extended period of five years on licence. 
Shazid Khan's nephew, delivery driver Junead Khan, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 12 years for plotting to kill US personnel outside Lakenheath US air base. 
A court heard Junead had used his job to scout for potential victims.

He had also planned to travel to Syria with his uncle. 
Shazib Khan is due to be released this year. 
British ISIS fighter who called himself 'Supaman' but returned to UK because Syria was too cold is jailed for seven years 
Mohammed Uddin who referred to himself as 'Supaman' - travelled to the war-torn region on November 4, 2015 intending to join ISIS
Mohammed Uddin travelled to Syria to join ISIS but returned home because he disliked the 'cold water', 'bland food' and 'doing absolutely jack'. 
The security guard - who referred to himself as 'Supaman' - travelled to the war-torn region on November 4, 2015 intending to join ISIS. 
On December 12, he crossed the border back into Turkey where he was held by the authorities because he did not have any travel documents.
He was stopped by counter terrorism officers at Gatwick Airport when he returned to Britain on December 22, who believed he was involved in terrorist-related activity and found extremist material in his possession.
Uddin, who had earlier boasted it was 'p*** easy' to cross the border from Turkey into Syria, quickly became disillusioned with life in the Middle East.
The 29-year-old was jailed to seven years in prison after pleading guilty to a charge of preparing acts of terrorism. 
He could be released within months. 
And others who are due for release as soon as this month...  
Yahya Rashid: The already convicted terrorist was freed from prison on licence after attempting travelling to Syria to join ISIS but jailed for a year for hiding a phone from police.
The 23-year-old also kept an email address secret from officers but he was exposed when he made an application to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) with the undisclosed contact details.
He could be released in September. 
Mina Dich: Mother who led the first all-female British ISIS cell and helped her daughter, Rizlaine Boular, plan a knife attack on the Palace of Westminster in May 2017. 
She was sentenced to six years and nine months in prison and could be released in August.   
Yahya Rashid (left) was freed from prison on licence after attempting travelling to Syria to join ISIS but jailed for a year for hiding a phone from police.

Mina Dich led the first all-female British ISIS cell and helped her daughter, Rizlaine Boular, plan a knife attack on the Palace of Westminster in May 2017
Boy X: The child became Britain's youngest terrorist in 2015 when he was convicted for planning to attack an Anzac Day parade in Australia. 
The 14-year-old had planned to behead his teachers before moving on a hit list of targets. 
He was jailed for life but will be eligible for parole this year.    
